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Unit Tests on Blazor components


To test Blazor components on the Iot Hob Portal, we use the library bUnit

How to unit test component

Let us assume we have a compoment ProductDetail to test.

Example of the content of the component ProductDetail
@inject IProductService ProductService

@if(product != null)
    <p id="product-id">@product.Id</p>

@code {
    public string ProductId { get; set; }

    private Product product;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await GetProduct();

    private async Task GetProduct()
            product = await ProductService.GetProduct(ProductId);
        catch (ProblemDetailsException exception)
First you have to a unit test class that extend
public class ProductDetailTests : BlazorUnitTest


The class BlazorUnitTest provides helpers/test context dedicated for unit tests for the blazor component. It also avoids code duplication of unit test classes.

Override the method Setup
public class ProductDetailTests : BlazorUnitTest
    public override void Setup()
        // Don't forget the method base.Setup() to initialize existing helpers
Setup the mockup of the service IProductService
public class ProductDetailTests : BlazorUnitTest
    // Declare the mock of IProductService
    private Mock<IProductService> productServiceMock;

    public override void Setup()

        // Intialize the mock of IProductService
        this.productServiceMock = MockRepository.Create<IProductService>();

        // Add the mock of IProductService as a singleton for resolution 
        _ = Services.AddSingleton(this.productServiceMock.Object);


After configuring the test class setup, you can start implementing unit tests.

Below is an example of a a unit test that checks whether the GetProduct method of the serivce ProductService service was called after the component was initialized:

public class ProductDetailTests : BlazorUnitTest

    public void OnInitializedAsync_GetProduct_ProductIsRetrieved()
        // Arrange
        var expectedProduct = Fixture.Create<Product>();

        // Setup mock of GetProduct of the service ProductService
        _ = this.productServiceMock.Setup(service => service.GetProduct(expectedProduct.Id))

        // Act
        // Render the component ProductDetail with the required ProductId parameter
        var cut = RenderComponent<ProductDetail>(ComponentParameter.CreateParameter("ProductId", expectedProduct.Id));
        // You can wait for a specific element to be rendered before assertions using a css selector, for example the DOM element with id product-id
        _ = cut.WaitForElement("#product-id");

        // Assert
        // Assert that all mocks setups have been called
        cut.WaitForAssertion(() => MockRepository.VerifyAll());


WaitForAssertion is useful in asserting asynchronous changes: It will blocks and waits in a test method until the specified assertion action does not throw an exception, or until the timeout is reached (the default timeout is one second). 👉 Assertion of asynchronous changes


Within unit tests on Blazor components, you can interact with HTML DOM and query rendered HTMLelements (buttons, div...) by using CSS selectors (id, class...) 👉 Lean more about CSS selectors

How to unit test a component requiring an external component

Some components proposed by MudBlazor (MudAutocomplete, MudSelect...) use another component MudPopoverProvider to display elements. If in a unit test that uses these MudBlazor components, the MudPopoverProvider component is not rendered, the interactions with these components are restricted.

Let us start with the following example:

Example of the content of the component SearchState
<MudAutocomplete T="string" Label="US States" @bind-Value="selectedState" SearchFunc="@Search" />

@code {
    private string selectedState;
    private string[] states =
        "Alabama", "Colorado", "Missouri", "Wisconsin"

    private async Task<IEnumerable<string>> Search(string value)
        // In real life use an asynchronous function for fetching data from an api.
        await Task.Delay(5);

        // if text is null or empty, show complete list
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) 
            return states;
        return states.Where(x => x.Contains(value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

We want to test the search when a user interacts with the MudAutocomplete component to search for the state Wisconsin:

public class SearchStateTests : BlazorUnitTest

    public void Search_UserSearchAndSelectState_StateIsSelected()
        // Arrange
        var userQuery = "Wis";

        // First render MudPopoverProvider component
        var popoverProvider = RenderComponent<MudPopoverProvider>();
        // Second, rendrer the component SearchState (under unit test)
        var cut = RenderComponent<SearchState>();

        // Find the MudAutocomplete component within SearchState component
        var autocompleteComponent = cut.FindComponent<MudAutocomplete<string>>();

        // Fire click event on, 

        // Wait until the count of element in the list rendred on the component MudPopoverProvider is equals to one
        popoverProvider.WaitForAssertion(() => popoverProvider.FindAll("div.mud-list-item").Count.Should().Be(1));

        // Act
        // Get the only element present on the list
        var stateElement = popoverProvider.Find("div.mud-list-item");
        // Fire click event on the element

        // Assert
        // Check if the MudAutocomplete compoment has been closed after the click event
        cut.WaitForAssertion(() => autocompleteComponent.Instance.IsOpen.Should().BeFalse());