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In order to better understand the needs of the project, here is a use case diagram regrouping the current use cases of the project.

Connected objects

graph LR
    A[End user] --> B(Display the list of connected objects)
    A --> C(Add a connected object)
    C -->|Extend| B
    D(Import a list of connected objects) -->|Extend| B
    E(Download a model) -->|Extend| B
    F(Export the list of connected objects) -->|Extend| B
    G(Delete a connected object) -->|Extend| B
    H(Go to the details of a connected object) -->|Extend| B
    I(Search for connected objects) -->|Extend| B

Connected object models

graph LR
    A[End user] --> J(Display the list of connected object models)
    A --> K(Add a connected object model)
    K -->|Extend| J
    L(Delete a connected object model) -->|Extend| J
    M(Go to the details of a connected object model) -->|Extend| J

Connected object configurations

graph LR
    A[End user] --> N(Display the list of connected object configurations)
    A --> O(Add a connected object configuration)
    O -->|Extend| N
    P(Go to the details of a connected object configuration) --> |Extend| N

Edge connected object models

graph LR
    A[End user] --> Q(Display the list of Edge connected object models)
    R(Add an Edge connected object model) -->|Extend| Q
    S(Delete an Edge connected object model) -->|Extend| Q
    T(Go to the details of a model of Edge connected object) -->|Extend| Q
    U(Search for Edge connected object models) -->|Extend| Q

Edge connected objects

graph LR
    A[End user] --> V(Display the list of Edge connected objects)
    W(Add an Edge connected object) -->|Extend| V
    X(Delete an Edge connected object) -->|Extend| V
    Y(Go to the details of a connected object Edge) -->|Extend| V
    Z(Search for Edge connected objects) -->|Extend| V


graph LR
    A[End user] --> AA(Display the list of concentrators)
    AB(Add a concentrator) -->|Extend| AA
    AC(Delete a concentrator) -->|Extend| AA
    AD(Go to the details of a concentrator) -->|Extend| AA


graph LR
    A[End user] --> AE(Display the list of tags)
    AF(Add a tag) -->|Extend| AE
    AG(Delete a tag) -->|Extend| AE

Now, here is a diagram representing the multilayer technical architecture of the project.

    title Multilayer technical architecture

    Deployment_Node(api, "Server", "API"){
        Container(controllers, "Controllers", "C#", "They are used to route HTTP requests, they call the methods of the services and they return the content of the HTTP response as well as a HTTP code.")
        Container(services, "Services", "C#", "They are used to define the business logic as to call the methods of the data access layer for example.")

    Deployment_Node(bll, "Application", "BLL"){
        Container(iservices, "Services", C#, "This package represents the interfaces of the services.")

    Deployment_Node(dal, "Infrastructure", "DAL"){
        Deployment_Node(uow, "UnitOfWork", "UOW"){
            Container(repositories, "Repositories", "C# and EntityFramework", "A repository represents all the data management methods of an entity of the project.")

    Deployment_Node(domain, "Domain", "Domain"){
        Container(entities, "Entities", "C#", "They are used as object representation of tables in a database.")
        Container(irepositories, "Repositories", "C#", "This package represents the interfaces of the repositories.")

    Rel(iservices, services, "dependency", "")
    Rel(repositories, services, "dependency", "")
    Rel(entities, services, "dependency", "")
    Rel(entities, iservices, "dependency", "")
    Rel(iservices, repositories, "dependency", "")
    Rel(entities, repositories, "dependency", "")

Now, to better understand the technical architecture of the project, here is a class diagram representing it.

    direction LR
    class AdminController{
        -String value
    class DashboardController{
        -String value
    class DeviceConfigurationsController{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelControllerBase{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelPropertiesController{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelPropertiesControllerBase{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelController{
        -String value
    class DevicesController{
        -String value
    class DevicesControllerBase{
        -String value
    class DeviceTagSettingsController{
        -String value
    class EdgeDevicesController{
        -String value
    class EdgeModelsController{
        -String value
    class IdeasController{
        -String value
    class SettingsController{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANCommandsController{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANConcentratorsController{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANDeviceModelsController{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANDevicesController{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANFrequencyPlansController{
        -String value
    LoRaWANDeviceModelsController --|> DeviceModelsControllerBase
    LoRaWANDevicesController --|> DevicesControllerBase
    DeviceModelPropertiesController --|> DeviceModelPropertiesControllerBase
    DeviceModelsController --|> DeviceModelsControllerBase
    DevicesController --|> DevicesControllerBase
    class ConfigService{
        -String value
    class DeviceConfigurationsService{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelPropertiesService{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelService{
        -String value
    class DevicePropertyService{
        -String value
    class DeviceService{
        -String value
    class DeviceServiceBase{
        -String value
    class DeviceTagService{
        -String value
    class EdgeDevicesService{
        -String value
    class EdgeModelService{
        -String value
    class ExternalDeviceService{
        -String value
    class IdeaService{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANCommandService{
        -String value
    class LoRaWANConcentratorService{
        -String value
    class LoRaWanDeviceService{
        -String value
    class SubmitIdeaRequest{
        -String value
    DeviceService --|> DeviceServiceBase
    LoRaWanDeviceService --|> DeviceServiceBase
    class IConfigService
    <<interface>> IConfigService
    class IDeviceConfigurationsService
    <<interface>> IDeviceConfigurationsService
    class IDeviceModelPropertiesService
    <<interface>> IDeviceModelPropertiesService
    class IDeviceModelService
    <<interface>> IDeviceModelService
    class IDevicePropertyService
    <<interface>> IDevicePropertyService
    class IDeviceService
    <<interface>> IDeviceService
    class IDeviceTagService
    <<interface>> IDeviceTagService
    class IEdgeDevicesService
    <<interface>> IEdgeDevicesService
    class IEdgeModelService
    <<interface>> IEdgeModelService
    class IExternalDeviceService
    <<interface>> IExternalDeviceService
    class IIdeaService
    <<interface>> IIdeaService
    class ILoRaWANCommandService
    <<interface>> ILoRaWANCommandService
    class ILoRaWANConcentratorService
    <<interface>> ILoRaWANConcentratorService
    class ILoRaWanManagementService
    <<interface>> ILoRaWanManagementService
    ConfigService ..|> IConfigService
    DeviceConfigurationsService ..|> IDeviceConfigurationsService
    DeviceModelPropertiesService ..|> IDeviceModelPropertiesService
    DeviceModelService ..|> IDeviceModelService
    DevicePropertyService ..|> IDevicePropertyService
    DeviceServiceBase ..|> IDeviceService
    DeviceTagService ..|> IDeviceTagService
    EdgeDevicesService ..|> IEdgeDevicesService
    EdgeModelService ..|> IEdgeModelService
    ExternalDeviceService ..|> IExternalDeviceService
    IdeaService ..|> IIdeaService
    LoRaWANCommandService ..|> ILoRaWANCommandService
    LoRaWANConcentratorService ..|> ILoRaWANConcentratorService
    class ConcentratorRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelCommandRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelPropertiesRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceModelRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceTagRepository{
        -String value
    class DeviceTagValueRepository{
        -String value
    class EdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository{
        -String value
    class EdgeDeviceModelRepository{
        -String value
    class EdgeDeviceRepository{
        -String value
    class GenericRepository{
        -String value
    class LabelRepository{
        -String value
    class LoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository{
        -String value
    class LorawanDeviceRepository{
        -String value
    class UnitOfWork{
        -String value
    class IConcentratorRepository
    <<interface>> IConcentratorRepository
    class IDeviceModelCommandRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceModelCommandRepository
    class IDeviceModelPropertiesRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceModelPropertiesRepository
    class IDeviceModelRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceModelRepository
    class IDeviceRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceRepository
    class IDeviceTagRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceTagRepository
    class IDeviceTagValueRepository
    <<interface>> IDeviceTagValueRepository
    class IEdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository
    <<interface>> IEdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository
    class IEdgeDeviceModelRepository
    <<interface>> IEdgeDeviceModelRepository
    class IEdgeDeviceRepository
    <<interface>> IEdgeDeviceRepository
    class ILabelRepository
    <<interface>> ILabelRepository
    class ILoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository
    <<interface>> ILoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository
    class ILorawanDeviceRepository
    <<interface>> ILorawanDeviceRepository
    class IRepository
    <<interface>> IRepository
    class IUnitOfWork
    <<interface>> IUnitOfWork
    UnitOfWork ..|> IUnitOfWork
    ConcentratorRepository ..|> IConcentratorRepository
    ConcentratorRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceModelCommandRepository ..|> IDeviceModelCommandRepository
    DeviceModelCommandRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceModelPropertiesRepository ..|> IDeviceModelPropertiesRepository
    DeviceModelPropertiesRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceModelRepository ..|> IDeviceModelRepository
    DeviceModelRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceRepository ..|> IDeviceRepository
    DeviceRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceTagRepository ..|> IDeviceTagRepository
    DeviceTagRepository --|> GenericRepository
    DeviceTagValueRepository ..|> IDeviceTagValueRepository
    DeviceTagValueRepository --|> GenericRepository
    EdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository ..|> IEdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository
    EdgeDeviceModelCommandRepository --|> GenericRepository
    EdgeDeviceModelRepository ..|> IEdgeDeviceModelRepository
    EdgeDeviceModelRepository --|> GenericRepository
    EdgeDeviceRepository ..|> IEdgeDeviceRepository
    EdgeDeviceRepository --|> GenericRepository
    GenericRepository ..|> IRepository
    LabelRepository ..|> ILabelRepository
    LabelRepository --|> GenericRepository
    LoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository ..|> ILoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository
    LoRaDeviceTelemetryRepository --|> GenericRepository
    LorawanDeviceRepository ..|> ILorawanDeviceRepository
    LorawanDeviceRepository --|> GenericRepository